resin 4.0 reference
If you're using Resin for the first time, this section will
show you how to install Resin, start it, and deploy your application.
Many sites can modify the and use
the standard resin.xml for configuration of their
servers, JVMs, clusters, and applications.
More complicated sites can modify the resin.xml
itself. The xml configuration file
resin.xml supports CDI custom services, EL expressions
and variables variables, imports and control structures.
Overview - Overview of Resin configuration CanDI - XML configuration for Dependency Injection services
Resin 4.0 introduced a number of new features and capabilities over
earlier versions of Resin. Along with these changes, configuration and
some operating semantics changed. Certain configuration was deprecated
and should be removed or rewritten using newer constructs.
The /resin-admin web-app provides an administration overview of a
Resin server. Resin-Pro users can obtain information across the entire
cluster, profile a running Resin instance, and obtain thread dumps and
heap dumps.
All Resin users should familiarize themselves with the thread dump,
profile, and heap capabilities. web console - The web-based Resin administration console Overview - Overview of Resin's clustering, load-balancing, elastic-computing and distributed caching features Server - Server (JVM) configuration Cloud - Dynamic Server (Cloud) configuration
Starting with version 4.0.17 Resin provides extended set of
commands that allow administrators and programmers perform debugging
and monitoring tasks on remote Resin server using command line.
All Resin users should familiarize themselves with the thread dump,
profile, and heap capabilities.
Starting with version 4.0.26 Resin provides REST interface. Simple and
secure, it can be used for integration with services such as RightScale®
and others.
Resin provides a robust and tested connection pool that is used to
obtain connections to databases.
Resin's deployment capabilities include
clustered deployment, remote deployment, versioning and rollback,
command-line deployment, browser deployment, and standard
webapps directory filesystem deployment.
cloud - deploying .wars to the cluster/cloud
Resin includes a powerful and configurable system for monitoring
application server health and graphing performance metrics. Meters - Statistic graphing with meters Watchdog - Resin's watchdog process manages Resin servers and checks status for reliability.
Resin can perform access logging, specify where JDK
logging interface messages go, and redirect the stderr and
stdout for your applications.
Resin's ScheduledTask capability lets you schedule
events using a flexible cron-style trigger. The task can be
any java.lang.Runnable bean, a method specified by EL, or
a URL. Overview - Overview of security concepts SSL - Integrating OpenSSL and JSSE
Resin comes with powerful and extensible rewrite capabilities that is as
powerful as Apache's mod_rewrite.
Description and configuration of Resin's high-performance HTTP
web server.
HTTP server - Resin's built-in, high performance HTTP server Virtual Hosts - HTTP Virtual Host configuration for multi-host sites
Resin organizes resources and classloaders into nested environments.
Each environment context merges its own configuration with configuration
inherited from the parent environment. Each environment context: server,
host, web-app, etc. may be configured with any of the environment
configuration tags.
JMX Consoles provide access to both the MBean's that Resin publishes for
information about and control of the Resin server and Application specific
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